Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

The number of injuries and deaths of residents in nursing home facilities has been on the rise in recent years. Sadly, too often nursing home and rehabilitation facilities prioritize profit over patient care. Instead of focusing on their responsibility to provide quality care to residents and patients, some nursing home and rehab facilities breach the standard of care and employ unqualified staff in order to maximize profits. When a nursing home facility provides substandard care to a resident, the result can be illness, injury, or even death.

Families entrust these facilities with their elderly loved ones and sometimes that trust is betrayed by neglect and even abuse. Residents of nursing home facilities typically cannot advocate for themselves and are therefore at a higher risk of suffering neglect or abuse at the hands of their caregivers. Failure to provide proper nutrition, medical care, basic hygiene, or emotional support all constitute neglect on the part of a nursing home or rehab facility. In some cases, the staff of nursing homes or rehab facilities goes so far as to abuse the residents, either physically, verbally, emotionally, or sexually. Facilities that do not protect their residents and patients from neglect or abuse must be held accountable.

How We Help

If you have a loved one who has suffered neglect or abuse in a nursing home or rehabilitation center, Kenny Mendelsohn will evaluate your claim for free. We handle these types of cases on a contingency fee basis which means we don’t get paid unless you collect. Contact us to request a free consultation.